Fish Story – Memphis
Fish Story – Memphis : “to inspire conservation and restoration of local waterways”
The Gulf to Gulf team began assembling 2009, to address climate change. In 2012, the team determined that fish might be an indicator taxa for the health of the Mississippi Water Basin, the third largest watershed in the world, draining into the Gulf of Mexico and decided to perform a series of events as Fish Story. Memphis was targeted as a point of critical confluence between systems in serious ecological trouble. The project’s goal was to learn more about where to intervene in that trouble.
At the invitation of Tom McGlynn for “Memphis Social (2013),” the Gulf to Gulf team designed a project to draw attention to the links between climate change, midwestern factory farming, tributary degradation, dead zones in the Gulf of Mexico, and the loss of fish. In that project, we calculated how much we might have to re-green the earth to balance the impacts of global warming (36%).In these webcasts, viewers can see how those ideas evolved:
Fish Story Memphis was an experiment in what I call trigger point theory the impact of climate change and the habitat restoration that may mitigate that impact. I conjectured that reconnecting the Wolf River (diverted by the Army Corps of Engineers) to the Mississippi River could have critical bioregional impact. We began researching that possibility, the relationship to other problems and how it might be a paradigm for other sites by canoeing a remote section of the Wolf May 4, 2013. Our goal for that trip was to see how restoration work is bringing back that formerly severely degraded system. The global implications were then discussed May 11, 2013 in the public webcast, “Connecting the River Dots.”(webcast video). Fish Story was initiated for “Memphis Social,” curated by Tom McGlynn, franchised and supported by apexart. – Aviva Rahmani